Program Highlights for 2023

Waco Wetlands Donation (January)
It was a great way to ring in the New Year – with friends from the Pond Club! Our hosts, Rachel Cain and Gordon Nyhof, provided a feast and a beautiful setting with music. Nora, Director of the Wetlands, was presented with our check from the pond tour proceeds and then gave a very informative update on the Wetlands and did a Q/A session.
Mardi Gras Party (February)
We celebrated Mardi Gras with a special Texas Pond Club twist! Our “throws” were seed packets and we had to catch them with our nets! It was a festive night with beads, King cake, and tasty sandwiches provided by our hosts, the Horaceks. Our President, John, then gave us a ton of tips for getting our ponds ready for spring!

Water Wells of Waco (April)
History came alive tonight as our very own Bevil took the stage to share stories of the Water Wells of Waco and the people who played important roles in the town’s development. She shared fascinating photos as we ate a feast overlooking the river at the beautiful home of Chip and Sandy.
Program Highlights for 2022

Greenhouses (May)
May was all about Greenhouses – and what not to do when building one (smile) for our club meeting. Ron Haft gave a presentation followed by a tour of his own greenhouse. And I learned that a greenhouse can even get too hot in Texas! The cookout and distribution of pond tour goodies were great as well.

Landscape Design (August)
It was pizza and cake night – so yes, very healthy! Mindy welcomed us into her beautiful home and talked with us about “The Art of Landscape Design”. Her expertise and experience gave us all great ideas!
Program Highlights for 2020-2021

Bonsai (June 2020)
Ron gave an informative talk and demonstration on how to care for Bonsai trees and enhance your garden pond area while we enjoyed a group meal together.

Fairy Gardens (March 2021)
Leprechauns don’t have all the fun in March! Our group was welcomed by Bonnie’s Greenhouse for a hands-on class in creating fairy gardens.